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রবিবার, ২৯ মে, ২০১১


Bio lite contains 3friendly natural micro organisms.1. Pediococcus pentosacceus (bacteria)

2. Pachia farinosa (yeast)
3. Dekkera bruxellenis (yeast)

Metabolites as organic acids like.

From these three micro organisms, all of these three natural micro organisms are found in the rice fields. For the whole processes it takes almost 39 days to complete. Bio lite ingredients which are approved by the FDA of Thailand as the safest and best dietary supplement.

Intestines are more attracted towards infection and other related problems, as most of the diseases begins from small intestines, as infection and slow function of small intestines leads to decrease the function of PYER’S PATCH CELL SYSTEM which play part of immune system in small intestines and due to decreasing function of immune system leads to reduce the proper function of liver, pancreas, kidney and other immune deficiency system.

So one of the micro organisms in bio lite called (Pichia parimosa) is yeast produces killer toxins to kill pathogenic fungus. These pathogenic funguses can produce AFLATOXINS and these aflatoxins attack directly to liver, to lymphocyte.

Dekkera bruxellensis this micro organism produces many digestive enzymes. This is also yeast which is used in some special beers and wines. Enzyme deficiency can cause excess of alkaline in the blood and anxiety state. Enzyme deficiency can cause possibility of HYPOGLYCEMIA is the real cause of HYPOTHYROIDISM andVITAMIN deficiency. Its very important to give our body sufficient proteins so that blood can carry PROTIEN BOND CALCIUM. Insufficient proteins can lay the foundation of arthritis and other calcium related diseases like joint pain, back ach laziness etc.


To secure the function of the Small Intestine and its immune system by destroying pathogenic bacteria and cleaning up the mucosa surface.
To harmonize the communication system between cells and organs.
To keep the immune defence system under control.
To prevent development of severe diseases and to keep the body healthy.LIFE MATTERS MOST:

Bio-Lite/Be-Lite contains 100% Natural Bio-Active Rice Protein which is the Mother Nature's way to help both healthy and sick people. Healthy people need to stay healthy and sick people need to be healthy again. From severe to mild diseases the product starts up the immune defence system to work again in helping the body's own healing process.

The Product has been successfully tested in USA, Europe and Asia during the last 10 years on healthy people and on people with different diseases as:

Irritate Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Auto immune diseases as : Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Chron's, Ulcerous colitis, Alzheimer's, Multiple sclerosis, --Parkinson's.
Opportunistic infections from Cancer and HIV treatments
Pathogenic infection from Salmonella, Campylobacter, Candida
High Cholesterol
Food Poisoning
Food Allergy
Urine Incontinence
Cytokine StormHOW DOES IT WORK?

Healthy or Sick?
The body is a machine, working from day one and every single cell needs nutrients the entirely time in order to perform the work as it is designed to do. Every organ and its cells have its predetermined function. That predetermined function is based on the human genetic code.

The whole body – the huge machine must work without any trouble and everything is based on complicated signal system from one cell to another cell and the receiving cells pass into its cell. The whole complicated signal and communication system must work to 100% precision – when it works we stay healthy.

The Small Intestine is the organ which supply every cell with needed nutrients and everything we eat and drink must go through the 6 meter long Small Intestine. In the Small Intestine everything is processed and the proteins we eat are degraded to small peptides, minerals are processed to soluble state, fat is converted to fatty acid, vitamins are processed to absorbable state etc.

In other words the Small Intestine is a complete sophisticated factory – leading to the logical facts that the Small Intestine is needed in order to control the deliverers of all kind of nutrients as well as to keep the signal and communication system in perfect order.

That scenario is the good one.
The bad scenario occurs when the Small Intestine does not work perfectly – the body is in trouble, huge trouble and the body ending up in:

The cells do not get enough of nutrients – leading to reduced receptor function.
The red blood cells do not take up oxygen perfectly – leading to bad oxygenation of the heart, brain, kidneys, liver, the blood micro circulation etc.
The Insulin does not recognize the receptors on the cells to take in glucose – leading to Diabetes
The fat is absorbed into the blood without being converted to fatty acids – leading to high Cholesterol level, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis etc.
The cells division and the Telomere function going wrong – leading to development of cancer and to early ageing. A Telomere is a region of repetitive DNA and the end of a Chromosome which protects the end of the chromosome from deterioration.
The liver and the pancreas reduce its enzyme productions – leading to imbalance and feed back signals to the Small Intestine.
The lymphoid system (Peyer’s Patch System) located in the Small Intestine reduces its function – leading to miscommunication with the overall immune defence system, reduced possibility for the B-cells to produce anti-bodies.
The B-cells start production of anti-bodies against body own proteins – leading development of autoimmune diseases as Rheumatisms, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Multiple sclerosis (MS).
Reduced immune protection against HIV infection – leading to HIV and later AIDS.
Reduced immune protection on common cold and different of influenza virus – leading to mild – severe – fatal situations.
Reduced possibility to control and balance the immune cells which function is to protect the body - leading to Cytokine storm – leading to death within 24 hours.
Reduced possibility to take up normal ingredients in the food as minerals, vitamins, Phytonutrients, proteins – leading to malnourishment on the cells.
The Reasons for bad function of the Small Intestine

Wrong food
Environmental factors
Virus, bacteria and fungus infection
Medicines as Anti-biotics, anti-cancer agents etc.
Smoking and drinking
Can we change the bad function to good function?
To bring back the balance is easy by taking Bio-Lite which is Bio-Activated Rice Proteins. The product will within hours, days or weeks heals and establishes the balance and harmony again in the Small Intestine- leading to high quality of life for sick people – leading to cure of a spectrum of different diseases.

Is Bio-Lite/Be-Lite a miracle?No, it is a natural logical product to solve the problem in the Small Intestine by restoring and keeping its function to perform the work as it has been predetermined to do.
The miracle is the function of the Small Intestine.

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