5 Things YOU Surely
DON'T Do In Your
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(…After you click the link, scroll down)INTRODUCTION
I can now say, taking my 16 years of experience, and the fact that I
am now making serious money on-line, that there isn't any real
secret to on-line success.
For me success is a pathless land.
You can't really say that you know exactly how to get there, and
you can then transfer this knowledge to other people, so they can
be successful themselves.
All you really can do, the one who wants to be successful, is just to
prepare the surface for success to come to you.
If I want to use an allegory, I would say that it is like demanding
that a wind will come to one's room.
One can't really demand it, but one can do everything in his power
to make the house ready for the reception of the wind (opening the
windows, for example).
If you truly want a successful everlasting Internet business, you
must do a little thing every day to grow your business.
For me that is the real magic!
The Magic of Doing.
Doing something little every day, and then with a bit of luck you will
be successful.
Yet, this simple concept, that may seem absurd, is what most
people fail to grasp, and implement.They buy the latest money making product on the market, they try
it out for some time, and then when they don't see immediate
results, they move to the next money making product, and so on.
I don't say that you need to stick to a product if it is no good, but I
do say that you need to invest in a product for some time before
you decide to abandon it.
Now, there is still the question, which of the many money making
products should you stick to.
Well, I have bought literally hundreds of "money making" products
on and off the Internet, and I have come to a conclusion that the
best way to start seeing some results is by investing one's money in
step by step mentoring.
If I am going to invest my hard earned money with a person who
says that he can show me the way to success. I want him not only
to talk about the money or point his finger towards the money, but
actually take me by the hand, and walk with me until we reach the
Only logical, isn't it?
Logical, but I am afraid that most people who claim that they can
help you earn money only give you some general tips or general
steps that you are not sure how to implement.
You also need to have a burning desire to be successful. I see a lot
of people who are trying to earn money on-line, but fail because
their reason for becoming successful is not strong enough.
Reason for doing anything in life is very important, and it what
makes one a success, and another a procrastinator.Procrastination seems to be one of the major factors which cause
people not to reach their full potential.
Yet, if one's reason to become successful is strong enough he will
override his tendency to procrastinate.
For example, you may know that building an on-line business will
really boost your life, but the reason for wanting to build a business
is not so strong in you. So, you will procrastinate by doing other
Yet, if someone gave you a strong reason why you should build a
business, like pointing a gun to your head, you would have built
your business in no time.
So, reason is the fuel which must be in place for one to be a
success.YOU DON’T:
1. Outsource
If you consider yourself a business owner, and not one who is trying
to make money on-line as a hobby you will simply have to
outsource sooner or later.
As your business grows you will soon find out that you will get much
more done if you delegate your tasks.
Your need to understand how your business operates, and if you
do, then all you need is to spend your time - managing it.
When you just start out you obviously need to spend a lot of time /
money in building your business.
You need to build your site / drive traffic to it, etc..
Yet, once you become familiar with the process you should
experience with outsourcing the tasks.
This is exactly what I did (and still do) in my flipping business.
Apart from my "flipping" websites, all the other websites I have sold
online (I am a website flipper) were 99% outsourced
The only things I do are:
To pick the niche I want to target.
Register a relevant domain name.
And list the website for sale after it's completed.The things I outsource are:
eBooks Creation.
Writing the sales pages text.
The graphic creation.
Why do I outsource these parts?
I outsource these parts for two main reasons.
1) It saves me a LOT of time (also means money).
2) Quite frankly my freelancers do it better.
Why should I / you spend a lot of time doing something that can be
done much better by someone else, and in a lot less time?
I now know how to create eBooks, write sales page, and design
graphics, but I am really in Kindergarten level next to the people I
outsource these part to.
You see my freelancers have probably been focusing on a certain
task (writing articles / designing graphics, etc.) for months or even
years, so of course they will be more proficient in doing that certain
task than I will ever be.
I don't know about you, but I by no means want to be the person
who does everything himself – the jack of all trades.
I want to focus on what I am good at, and deliver the other tasks
(that I am not so good at or take a lot of my time) to other people.
Outsourcing is quite a liberating experience, and if you never
outsourced before you will probably not agree with me.I suggest that you at least try.
Don't outsource your entire business overnight, but take a certain
aspect of it, and try to outsource it.
For example, article marketing.
If you are creating articles (chapters) for your eBook or create
articles to submit to article directories try to outsource this specific
Go to freelance websites such as Get a Freelancer, and post a
If you need some help with posting your project, here is a video
that I have created, and may help you out:
Why NOT to outsource?
I can understand why people may feel some uneasiness to
outsource parts of their business.
Some reasons are:
1. I like doing everything myself – that's actually a great
reason. If you really like doing everything yourself you can dismiss
outsourcing because you are actually doing what you like.
Some people actually enjoy the process of writing articles,
creating graphics, writing sales page on a daily basis, and are fine
with being limited with the amount of money they can earn.
That's great.Yet, if you want to maximize the amount of money you can earn,
the only way you can do so is by not doing everything yourself.
2. No one can do what I do / or no one can do what I do as
good as I am able to do it
Now, this is a tricky one.
If that's the reason why you are not outsourcing, my question will
Is your reason based on thought or on actuality?
a. If it is only based on what you think - why not try to
outsource on a small scale?
Maybe you are just slightly better in what you do, and the time you
save by outsourcing makes up for it.
b. If it is based on actuality – if you have tried outsourcing
before or for some reason or another know for a fact that you
simply can't outsource any part of your business, I suggest that you
look for a new business (if you can).
I know I may be too extreme in my approach.
Yet, I do think that a business must always strive to grow, and it
can only grow up to a certain point if you are doing everything
3. My Business CAN'T be outsourced
This is of course another valid reason why one can't outsource his /
her business.Yet, again if this is your reason you need to ask yourself if it is not
only an unproven conclusion.
If you have never visited freelance websites before you will simply
be amazed with what can be outsourced these days.
Again, I suggest that you check Get a Freelancer, and browse the
various categories to get an idea of what can be outsourced –
believe me it's quite a lot.
YES AMIR, I have already tried the 'freelancing' websites,
but I just don't like the process of posting new projects
every time that I need to get a job done, and I feel that I am
paying too much for freelancers anyway. Moreover, I feel
that outsourcing my tasks to people from India or Pakistan,
for example, is not something I want to do.
I am stating the above statement because I hear it quite a lot.
Let's start from the end.
I actually had quite a good experience outsourcing to people from
India and Pakistan, and it just happens that I have became friends
with many of them.
But, I can still relate to this claim.
I do find it sometimes hard to explain to people from these
countries what I want to accomplish, and I get better understanding
when I outsource to people from England, America, Australia, etc..
Moreover, the quality is much better.
Yet, people from India and Pakistan do charge less for their service.
Now, with regard to the first part of the claim:"…YES AMIR, I have already tried the 'freelancing' websites,
but I just don't like the process of posting new projects
every time that I need to get a job done, and I feel that I am
paying too much for freelancers anyway."
You don't have to post a new project every time you need a new
task done. I have a few freelancers who are working for me for over
an year (most from India and Pakistan by the way).
If you are happy with someone's work keep his contact details, and
contact him (directly without posting a project) every time you need
to complete a new task.
The good thing about hiring the same person over and over is that
the prices you get become increasingly better overtime.
It's is only logical that your freelancer will charge you less than
others when you give him / her work on a continual basis.
So, this is how you can pay less – just stick with the same people
that you enjoy working with.
Yet, even after saying all this, I want to show you another method
of hiring.
You may don't want to use this method right from the start, but
think about it when you feel ready.
Many people, including myself, are starting to hire people from the
When you hire people from the Philippines you will suddenly see
that most of the problems you have with your freelancers become
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